In addition to obtaining your own testimony, your disability attorney in Ocala, Florida will question the witnesses in your case.
Possible Questions
Your disability attorney in Ocala, Florida may ask a witness questions regarding such issues as the following:
Ability to Walk:
- Have you noticed over the last several years that the claimant has been unable to walk with ease?
- How far can the claimant walk (in city blocks) before needing to stop? When the claimant rests, how long does this take?
Use of Hands and Arms:
- What difficulties, if any, have you noticed in the claimant’s use of hands and arms? (Your disability lawyer in Ocala, Florida will ask the claimant to provide a description.)
- Does the claimant have difficulty holding things? What kinds of items might he or she drop? How frequently have you seen this happen?
- Does the claimant’s condition appear to cause pain?
- How often is the claimant hurting?
- What leads you to believe he or she is hurting?
- Is the claimant easily tired?
- What kinds of activities would the claimant find exhausting?
- How quickly does the claimant recover?
Speed of Activities:
- Does the claimant perform tasks or accomplish things at a pace or rate of speed unlike that of someone who has no disability? (Your disability attorney in Ocala, Florida will need to know the difference.)
- How would you describe the claimant’s pace compared to someone else’s if you had to express it as a percentage?
Emotions and Mental State:
- Does the claimant exhibit any sudden onsets of depression, memory issues, lack of attention or reduced concentration, crying episodes, withdrawal from others, panic attacks, or other emotional and/or mental difficulties?
- When this happens, how long does it continue, and how frequently does it occur?
Contact a Disability Lawyer in Ocala, Florida
If you are facing a disability hearing, you will need to understand the above issues. Contact a disability attorney in Ocala, Florida by calling the CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC today: 352-304-5300.