CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC


  • Published: September 5, 2014

It’s common for disability claimants who have reached the hearing stage of the process to want to know exactly what the hearing will be like prior to the hearing date. They may ask their Ocala Social Security disability attorney for detailed questions about the judge, the questions or the procedure that will be followed. What the Social Security Hearing Procedure Will Entail Unfortunately, your Ocala Social Security disability attorney can tell you that the regulations do not set forth very detailed procedures for disability hearings. The stated purpose of the hearing is to provide an avenue for the administrative law judge to inquire fully into the issues, question you (the claimant) and other witnesses regarding your disability and review any…Read More

  • Published: September 5, 2014

Here are some common questions you might ask your Ocala Social Security disability lawyer have about your Social Security disability hearing. When will I receive notice of my decision after the hearing? The answer to this question varies a lot. The national average from the date of a hearing request until the decision is sent out is roughly 15.5 months, though your Ocala Social Security disability lawyer can tell you what he or she has observed. After a hearing is held, a decision is typically made in two to three months unless the judge has issued a bench decision right after the hearing. Once you are awarded a favorable decision, you will start to receive benefits in one to two months.…Read More

  • Published: August 28, 2014

A crucial part of qualifying for Social Security disability benefits has to do with what is known as your “past relevant work.” A Social Security Disability Attorney in Ocala can help you evaluate your own claim and determine whether you can meet this test in order to qualify for benefits. It is possible to be found disabled at Step 3 of the Sequential Evaluation Process (the Listing of Impairments). However, if you are not found disabled at this step, your claim will move on to Step 4, where you and your Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyer must prove that you are unable to perform your “past relevant work.” This is a difficult step for many. Under Social Security regulations, “past…Read More

  • Published: August 28, 2014

Social Security disability claim attorney width. At your disability hearing, the judge will want to know about the limitations caused by your impairment. Below, your Ocala social security disability lawyer explains the types of questions to expect. Alternating Positions Questions The judge will want to know about your ability to go between sitting and standing, as well as how frequently you must stand if you have been sitting and vice versa. If you are unable to get through an entire eight hour work day, let the judge know your limit. If you are given an opportunity to stand while working at a bench, the judge will want to know if your ability to do so is dependent upon the height of the…Read More

  • Published: August 28, 2014

ocala florida disability attorney Your Ocala Florida Disability Law Firm Explains Your Doctor’s Role in Your Claim Your doctor is the individual most familiar with your impairment and the treatment you have received for it. Your Ocala Florida disability attorney has explained below why your doctor’s opinion on your ability to work is important and how he should assess your impairment for the purposes of a disability claim. Your Ability to Work Your doctor’s professional opinion on your ability to work, subjective as it may be, will be quite important. Thus, your doctor should use his best medical judgment and expertise to assess your symptoms and determine whether or not they are consistent with a medical diagnosis. If this medical…Read More

  • Published: August 27, 2014

A Florida disability lawyer discusses witness testimony Many types of injuries and illnesses are difficult to verify using medical evidence alone. For example, many soft-tissue injuries cannot be seen on an MRI or x-ray. In addition to medical records, witness testimony can be helpful in establishing the nature and extent of a claimant’s illness or injuries. In some cases, a witness who gives poor testimony can do more harm than good, says a Florida disability lawyer. The most important thing for witnesses to remember when giving testimony is to include as much detail as possible. A Florida disability lawyer has prepared the following examples of poor versus strong witness testimony: Testimony from a friend Poor: The claimant can’t keep up…Read More

  • Published: August 27, 2014

If you have received notice that you have not been approved for Social Security benefits, you may feel disappointed and like you are at the end of the road. However, your Ocala Florida social security disability attorney can explain that many individuals are initially denied benefits but are subsequently approved after an appeal. Procedural Process Your Ocala Florida social security disability attorney can explain that there are several levels of adjudication for Social Security claims. First, there is the initial determination. This is followed by the reconsideration. After that, there is a hearing before an administrative law judge. If you have still been denied benefits at this point, your attorney may submit your claim for review by the Appeals Council.…Read More

  • Published: August 27, 2014

Many individuals mistakenly believe that they are not disabled "enough" to qualify for Social Security disability benefits. However, an Ocala Florida disability lawyer can explain how the Social Security Administration evaluates claims for benefits. Age Matters For example, your Ocala Florida disability lawyer can explain that Social Security regulations allow claimants to more easily qualify for benefits as they age. The process becomes easier for individuals age 45 or older to be qualified for benefits and even easier for individuals who are age 55 or older. General Rules Your Ocala Florida disability lawyer can explain that if you are 55 or older and an impairment has prevented you from completing any type of job within the last 15 years, you…Read More

  • Published: August 26, 2014

Testimony from coworkers or company representatives can either help or harm your case. Your Florida disability lawyer can show you the difference between good and poor testimony. Co-worker testimony  Poor: (Client) can’t work a power sewing machine. It’s too hard. Better: (Client) worked the sewing machine next to mine at the clothing factory. Other than two 15-minute breaks and a half-hour for lunch, we sit all day. Working the machine takes both hands and one foot. The finished pieces we lift and carry weigh as much as 20 pounds, and we have to make quota. Coordination and vision have to be good. (Client) can’t handle the job if she can’t keep up. Poor: I’m the HR director for this company. (Client) did her best, but…Read More

  • Published: August 21, 2014

Social Security Disability Attorney width="242". When preparing to testify in a social security disability hearing, a disability lawyer in Ocala will provide a client with tips on giving effective testimony. Do Not Rehearse, but Do Explain Ambiguities Your testimony should not sound rehearsed, so it will be prepared for in a gradual way. The attorney will listen to what you're saying and will point out aspects that must be explained more deeply. It is possible that you will be sitting with your disability lawyer in Ocala for a half-hour or more. This might seem to contradict your statement that you can only sit for 15 minutes. The ambiguous nature of the question of how long you're able to sit lends itself to some…Read More

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