CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC


  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

The complicated nature of chronic fatigue syndrome can make filing a disability claim for this condition both challenging and confusing. The main characteristic of CFS is extreme fatigue that cannot be traced to an underlying medical cause. If you have questions about whether you are eligible for chronic fatigue syndrome disability benefits, a disability attorney at the CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC can help. How Do Long Term Disability Insurance Companies Evaluate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Disability Claims? Because the causes and impact of CFS are often vague and difficult to pinpoint, many insurance companies will refer to CFS disability cases to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). They rely on the expertise of the organization to examine a request to determine its legitimacy. According to the CDC, the following…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

It's important to know what qualifies for short-term disability coverage in order to get the most out of your income, meet the needs of your family, and get the benefits you pay for. Short-term disability coverage is meant to provide a percentage of your income between the time you experience an illness or injury, and the time your long-term benefits take effect. You should be aware of the following three components of short-term disability: Qualifying medical conditions Policy change eligibility periods Carrier coverage periods Qualifying Medical Conditions First, you must be unable to fulfill the basic demands of your full-time job. Next, you must have your physician provide documentation about the medical condition which prevents you from working. Lastly, you…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

If you suffer from depression and anxiety, you are not alone. Statistics show that no less than 40 million American adults – a full 20% of the population – share this debilitating illness. The symptoms and outcomes are broad, but what is most common among sufferers is the inability to function in the fast-paced employment environment. As a result, many attempt to apply for disability benefits to supplement their often simple and minimal existence. Unfortunately, all too often your claim for long term disability for depression and anxiety is denied. The legal experts at CJ Henry Law Firm are here to help you win your application. Keep reading to find out the most common reasons that your petition could be opposed.…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

If you are seeking disability, you may have to go through an independent medical examination (IME). It can be intimidating to attend a medical exam with a doctor you don’t know. However, your disability attorney can help you prepare for any questions the IME doctor may ask. Contact CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC for more information about your specific situation. What Is an Independent Medical Examination? If you’ve filed a long term disability claim and the insurance company wants additional medical information, they may ask you to attend an independent medical examination. Most disability insurance policies allow the insurance company to send you to at least one IME during the determination process. If they ask you to attend an independent medical examination, it’s important that you…Read More

Unum Short-Term Disability Claims Get Denied All Too Often
  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Does Unum handle your short-term disability claims? If your answer is yes, you may be in for a rude awakening. Thousands of people in the U.S. depend on Unum for insurance coverage if they have disabilities. You should know this insurance behemoth is under scrutiny for the growing number of disability claims they deny as well as the circumstances surrounding those denials. If your Unum short-term disability claim was denied, contact CJ Henry Law Firm today. You May Not Know the Name Unum, But You May Know One of These If you pull out your disability policy and it doesn't say Unum, don't breathe a sigh of relief yet. Unum is the corporate parent for Provident, the Colonial Companies, and Paul Revere Life. Tactics Used to Deny Unum Short-Term Disability Claims There…Read More

A Short Term Disability Lawyer Can Help You With Your Claim
  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

When you need help understanding disability insurance, a knowledgeable short term disability lawyer can be a huge asset. The purpose of short-term disability (STD) insurance is to replace part of your income for disabilities such as non-work related injuries, illness, or maternity leave. Its other purpose is to provide income between the occurrence of your disability and the time your long term insurance coverage begins. If you're the employee of a company, your short-term disability coverage is usually part of a policy and is paid for, at least partially, by your employer. If your company doesn't offer short-term disability insurance, or if you're self-employed, you can purchase individual coverage from an independent insurance broker. What's the Difference Between Short Term Disability and…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Often, insurance companies will not tell you everything about how their policies differ from others. What are the pros and cons of group vs. individual disability insurance? When selecting disability insurance, it's important to be able to make an informed decision. Whether you have group vs. individual disability insurance can impact both your claim and your changes of receiving an approval. To learn more about your options regarding disability insurance, contact CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC today. Group Disability Insurance Policies Most group disability insurance is provided through an employer. Employer plans can be easier to obtain because they may have fewer requirements. However, they may also have more restrictions when making a claim. Employer-sponsored plans must comply with a federal law called the…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

If you’re filing a claim on a long-term disability policy that your employer has paid into or that you yourself have purchased, you are in for a bit of a fight. LTD insurance companies are notoriously stingy when paying out claims. They will repeatedly ask you for more information, deny your claim because there is insufficient evidence, or even accuse your doctors of being biased. That is why many folks who file claims with their LTD policy carrier choose to have a skilled disability insurance attorney manage their claim. At CJ Henry Law Firm, we have built our reputation on helping disabled employees receive the funds they are entitled to. It won’t be easy, but you can help the process…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

There are a number of factors that influence how much your long-term disability ends up paying out. And it may pay out more at the beginning than it would down the road. All of this depends on the terms of your disability benefits policy or the policy that was purchased on your behalf by your employer. In this article, we’ll discuss the factors that determine how much you will receive on a monthly basis from your long-term disability policy. If you have questions about your long-term disability claim, contact CJ Henry Law Firm today. What Is the Base LTD Payment? While every plan is different, most plans fall within a threshold of paying 50% to 80% of your pre-disability earnings.…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

If you are unable to work for an extended period of time, you should consult with long term disability lawyers who can guide you through the process of submitting a claim. You may be unsure of what to do. And when you’re unable to work, this can add to your anxiety. You don’t have to endure this situation alone. Contact the long term disability lawyers at CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC for help. Before You File a Long Term Disability Claim Instead of waiting until you run into problems, consult an attorney before you file your claim. Long term disability lawyers can help you collect evidence, complete paperwork, and file your claim with the insurance company. If your claim is denied, an attorney can…Read More

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