CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Social Security Disability

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

As your Ocala, Florida disability law firm attorney can explain, the way you describe your symptoms to the judge is crucial to your case. Describing How Your Illness Makes You Feel You, and only you, can accurately describe your physical condition. Whether you suffer from pain, breathlessness, vertigo, exhaustion, etc., you know exactly how it feels. Since this is what prevents you from working, your Ocala, Florida disability law firm attorney, as well as the judge, will expect you to provide detailed descriptions of exactly what you're suffering from. Simply naming the condition is not enough. There are many people in the work force who have arthritis or lung disease. What makes the difference is how bad your condition makes you…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

When you and your Ocala disability lawyer attend your disability hearing, you will likely be questioned about the daily activities you perform, your work history, and your medical history. Other subjects might be broached as well. It can be to your benefit to think of specific instances from your life to use as references when replying to these questions.  Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Wages from a part-time position can affect your Social Security disability claim. A skilled Ocala Social Security disability lawyer can provide you with answers to questions that may arise concerning trial work period services. Is gross income or take-home considered in the trial work period services monthly amount? I am attempting to prevent my income from exceeding the limit. The trial work period services monthly income rules apply to gross income, not take-home pay. An Ocala Social Security disability attorney can explain that these rules are stringent, and deductions taken solely as a means to reduce your income are not normally permitted. What happens if I work below the "substantial gainful activity" level supposing I need more money than the…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Questions often arise concerning review and attorney's fees. An experienced Ocala Social Security disability attorney can shed light on the subject, as well as answer the following frequently asked questions. What is meant by the statement that appears on the cover sheet of my favorable decision that the Appeals Council may review it "on its own motion"? At times, when benefits are awarded by the ALJ (administrative law judge), they may be revoked by the Appeals Council in Falls Church, Virginia. This does not happen very often, but when it does, the Appeals Council will notify you no later than 60 days after the judge's decision. They may reverse a decision after that period, but that is extremely uncommon. Although…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

The Social Security Administration (SSA), Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) each have a specific definition for "disability." A disability lawyer in Ocala, Florida will help you understand why they differ. Americans With Disabilities Act and Social Security Administration The difference in definition of "disability" between the SSA and ADA is set down in a memorandum from the Associate Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, sent to staff and judges alike. Under ADA, disability has to do with the completion of "major life activities," which is different from the definition of disability according to the SSA. Your disability lawyer in Ocala, Florida can explain this difference in more detail. DOT The Dictionary of Occupational Titles…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

In addition to obtaining your own testimony, your disability attorney in Ocala, Florida will question the witnesses in your case. Possible Questions Your disability attorney in Ocala, Florida may ask a witness questions regarding such issues as the following: Ability to Walk: Have you noticed over the last several years that the claimant has been unable to walk with ease? How far can the claimant walk (in city blocks) before needing to stop? When the claimant rests, how long does this take? Use of Hands and Arms: What difficulties, if any, have you noticed in the claimant's use of hands and arms? (Your disability lawyer in Ocala, Florida will ask the claimant to provide a description.) Does the claimant have…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

The assistance of an experienced Ocala disability attorney can be of great value as you prepare your testimony concerning fatigue at your hearing. An Ocala Disability Lawyer Lists Questions to Expect at Your Hearing Your Ocala disability attorney can advise you to expect the following questions about your fatigue: When did you notice its onset? Was the onset sudden? Please provide a description of your fatigue. Is your fatigue similar to sleepiness or drowsiness? Could your fatigue be compared to feeling tired, weak or enervated? At such times, do you become impatient? Does fatigue affect your motivation to accomplish tasks? What conditions exacerbate this condition? Does your condition worsen when you are: unhappy? Stressed, depressed or anxious? How has stress affected your…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

In addition to yourself and your Ocala disability lawyer, there will be a few other people at your disability hearing. Who to Expect at Your Hearing Only people with a direct bearing on your case will attend this private meeting. These include the administrative law judge (ALJ), the judge's assistant recording the meeting, yourself, your Ocala disability lawyer and witnesses. Only outsiders with permission from you and the ALJ are permitted to observe the proceeding. Witnesses Depending on the ALJ's normal procedure, witnesses may or may not be present during your testimony. If they are not, they will be called from a waiting room when their testimony is required (this is referred to as sequestering). The ALJ may sequester a…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Naturally, you want to keep in touch with your Ocala, Florida Social Security disability attorney as much as possible. However, there are certain circumstances in which a phone call is unnecessary. When Not to Call You do not need to advise your Ocala, Florida Social Security disability attorney each time you see your doctor for ordinary care. Your lawyer will provide you with a form on which you will document and describe all medical visits since until your hearing date. Your attorney needs complete contact information of every facility, physician, or therapist you visit. You can assist by collecting the business cards of each medical professional and forwarding them to your Ocala, Florida Social Security disability lawyer when asked to update your…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Your mental health may significantly impact your case. Your Ocala, Florida Social Security disability lawyer can help to prepare you for questions concerning this subject. Abilities Your Ocala, Florida Social Security disability lawyer can help prepare you for questions concerning your abilities; for example, whether or not you can: Follow, comprehend and recall directions and/or instructions Use your judgment Answer to supervisors and people you work with in ordinary work circumstances Be flexible when dealing with the unexpected Stress Your Ocala, Florida Social Security disability lawyer will prepare you for questions concerning your ability to handle stress, and will counsel you to give complete answers to the judge concerning the kinds of situations that are stressful to you, particularly work-related…Read More

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