CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Social Security Disability

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Back injuries are more frequently cited by claimants seeking Social Security disability benefits than just about any other injury or condition. Because back injuries are so common, your Ocala disability lawyer is aware that despite the many symptoms related to back pain, medical examinations and testing may not show anything abnormal. Medical Imaging Results May Not Correlate to a Claimant's Back Pain Doctors usually agree that medical imaging, x-rays and other tests don't always match with a claimant's symptoms. An Ocala disability attorney has seen instances in which a person has imaging tests that show significant degeneration of the bones and joints, yet experiences minor symptoms or no symptoms at all. However, other people may have tests showing what appear to…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

When receiving disability benefits, your Ocala disability attorney will tell you that there are advantages to maintaining an income that is lower than the "trial work period services" amount. According to the rules for the trial work period, a person receiving benefits can earn any amount of money each month over a nine-month period and continue receiving their benefits in full. After nine months of work, the benefits stop. Trial Work Period Allows a Return to Work While Keeping Benefits As an Ocala disability attorney can explain, the idea behind the trial work period is to provide benefits with an opportunity to go back to work on a full-time basis. If, for example, you returned to work for seven months,…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

It can assist your Ocala disability lawyer if you have tangible examples when you testify at your hearing for disability benefits. At the hearing, you might be asked about the activities you partake in throughout the day, your medical records, what kind of work you have done, and other questions.Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Once the Social Security Administration deems you disabled, you will likely have a great deal of questions for your Social Security attorney in Ocala. A Social Security Attorney in Ocala Discusses Direct Deposit One of the more common questions a Social Security lawyer in Ocala must answer is whether or not a claimant should sign up to get benefits directly deposited into a bank account. Those interested in getting direct deposit can do so by communicating with a Social Security office. However, those who failed to sign up before their hearings may not be able to have any back benefits paid that way. It is likely that the Social Security Administration already mailed out a check for any back payments that…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

A Social Security disability attorney in Ocala can tell you that a vocational professional may testify as to whether a person with similar mental and physical impairments would be capable of doing the same job as the claimant. Another fair question is whether the claimant has skills that could be used in a number of different fields. A Social Security disability lawyer in Ocala can tell you that whether a person's work skills are transferable to other jobs is important. A Lack of Transferable Skills Claimants who are younger can be denied benefits if they can't performed unskilled job duties even if it is determined that the claimant possesses no skills that can be used in other jobs. There are…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

The testimony given by any witnesses you bring to your hearing will be extremely important in giving the judge a clear picture of your impairment. Your Social Security disability lawyer in Ocala will want to prepare your witnesses to give effective testimony. Witnesses Should Not Make Assumptions One caveat your Social Security disability lawyer in Ocala will give is not to offer assumptions to the judge. Simply put, a witness who only gives the diagnosis of your impairment could easily be wrong about that diagnosis. This could be especially troublesome if a medical expert called on to testify ends up contradicting the testimony given by your other witness. A Social Security Disability Attorney in Ocala Explains the Benefit of Observation…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

If you have witnesses who will testify on your behalf at your disability hearing, it is important that they speak with your Ocala Social Security disability attorney ahead of time. Witnesses should be prepared to testify effectively without being rehearsed. Preparing Your Witnesses Your Ocala Social Security disability attorney will use the meeting with potential witnesses to decide who is best suited for your hearing. It is important that witnesses understand that the judge is not interested in testimony that has been rehearsed ahead of time. Your Ocala Social Security disability attorney will be sure that your witnesses know what to expect at your hearing and how to testify effectively. Effective Testimony Your Ocala Social Security disability lawyer will explain…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Mental residual functional capacity is often a misunderstood concept when it comes to disability applications. However, your Ocala Social Security disability lawyer can explain this complex matter as well as others that may apply to your case. An Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyer Knows What You Will Be Asked An experienced Ocala Social Security disability lawyer knows that, if psychological factors are part of your disability application, you may be asked about your ability concerning the following issues: Comprehending, remembering and executing simple tasks. Recalling locations and procedures necessary for work. Comprehending, recalling, and executing short, simple instructions. Concentrating on a task for an appropriate amount of time (this time period might be defined as approximately two hours). Keeping to a…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Work experience is an important part of the disability application process. Your disability lawyer in Ocala can explain more regarding how previous employment is viewed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) in relation to your claim. A Disability Lawyer in Ocala Discusses Past Relevant Work Your disability lawyer in Ocala can explain that in order to be considered past relevant work by the SSA, the work must have completed within the past fifteen years, it must have lasted long enough for you to learn how to perform it, and it must qualify as activity that was "substantial gainful." A Disability Attorney in Ocala Can Help You Prepare Your attorney knows that, for all work you did in the fifteen years before your…Read More

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Even though you should have your disability attorney in Ocala present at any hearings you attend, it helps to be aware of what is likely to happen when you get there. Below, you will find important information about ALJ (administrative law judges) and their opening statements. Typically, the ALJ will open your record, name anyone present at the hearing, and record whether or not you have a disability attorney in Ocala representing you. There is no reason to be intimidated by an ALJ. The majority of administrative law judges will actually try to put you at ease when the hearing begins. Next, the ALJ may request that you or your disability lawyer in Ocala verify certain parts of your record. The…Read More

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