CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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(352) 577-7746

CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Diabetes Mellitus Explained by an Ocala Social Security Disability Law Firm

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is one of the most common diseases that individuals suffer. As a result, an Ocala Social Security disability law firm can tell you that an increasing number of individuals are making claims for Social Security disability benefits based on diabetes. Because the symptoms and severity of diabetes can be wide-ranging, the Social Security Administration will scrutinize these applications very closely.

Symptoms for Diabetes Mellitus Explained by an Ocala Social Security Disability Law Firm

Only a physician can tell you for sure whether you suffer from diabetes. However, there are common symptoms that an Ocala Social Security disability law firm sees that you and your doctor should consider:

  • Head. You may suffer headaches, dizziness and loss of balance;
  • Vision. Your vision may suffer such as developing spots and experiencing episodic blurriness;
  • Extremities. Some individuals suffer burning pain, numbness, cramping and other symptoms in their extremities such as their arms and legs;
  • Internal. You may suffer extreme thirst, cardiac problems, abdominal problems, diarrhea, frequent urination and kidney problems; and
  • General. Some general symptoms can include skin infections, vascular disease, excessive eating, obesity, weight loss, muscle fatigue, general malaise and psychological problems.

Keep in mind that these are just some general symptoms. To learn more about your case, you will want to work with an Ocala Social Security disability law firm.

Contact an Ocala Social Security Disability Attorney

Diabetes claims can be difficult to win. To learn how an experienced attorney can assist you, contact an Ocala Social Security disability attorney at the CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC
by calling 352-304-5300.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746