CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Do You Qualify for Paralysis Disability Benefits?

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.
Do You Qualify for Paralysis Disability Benefits?

Applying for paralysis disability benefits or appealing a denial can be an overwhelming process. An Ocala FL long-term disability attorney can help.

What Is Paralysis?

Paralysis is caused by nerve damage and can be localized to a specific part of the body or generalized depending on the part of the body affected and the cause of the paralysis. You may be unable to use your arms, legs, or the paralysis or other muscles such as your vocal cords. There are a variety of diseases or injuries that can cause nerve damage.

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Spinal column injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lupus
  • Stroke

Paralysis may be temporary or permanent and may make it impossible for you to perform your work duties. If you experience paralysis that prevents you from performing the primary tasks of your job, you may qualify for paralysis disability benefits.

How Is Paralysis Treated?

Your physician may be able to diagnose your paralysis during a routine physical examination. They may ask you to perform various movements or attempt to move the affected part of the body. They may also ask for your medical history, test the responsiveness of your reflexes, and ask for details of any injuries or illnesses.

It is vital to determine the cause of the paralysis and the extent of the nerve damage. Understanding the cause will help your doctor to determine your prognosis and whether the paralysis is permanent or temporary. There are several tests that will provide additional information for your physician and that will support a paralysis diagnosis.

  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • MRIs
  • Myelography
  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Spinal tap

Unless your paralysis is temporary, there is typically no cure for the condition. Physical therapy or rehabilitation is intended to help people develop the skills they need for day-to-day living. Exercises can strengthen muscles and stimulate nerves. The use of devises such as a walker or a cane can make moving around easier for a person with paralysis.

Determining Eligibility for Disability Benefits

Check your insurance policy carefully. Look for their definitions of disability as well as any exclusions they have listed. Your insurance company may use the following information to determine your eligibility.

They will consider the symptoms and the causes of the paralysis and will assess how your ability to work is affected. A Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) report will probably be required from your doctor. An RFC contains information about what you are able to do in light of your paralysis and should include any restrictions or limitations your physician recommends. Work with your physician to provide complete the RFC and to provide accurate information.

Most long-term disability policies consider a person disabled if they are unable to perform the work related to their chosen occupation during the first 2 years the policy is in force or if they are unable to perform the duties of any job, not just your regular job.

What Documentation Do You Need for Your Claim for Paralysis Disability Benefits?

One way to avoid having your claim denied early on is to prepare your documentation carefully. The insurance company will be particularly interested in the results of objective, measurable test results. Take the time to read all the information required by the insurance company and correct any inaccuracies or fill in any missing information. You will need the following:

  • Medical records from all physicians or other health care professionals who’ve worked with you
  • A written report from your physician
  • Test results
  • Treatment records
  • A complete application form
  • Your RFC
  • Proof of diagnosis

It’s critical that you tell the insurance company how your paralysis prevents you from working. For example, if your vocal cords were paralyzed it would be impossible for you to speak with customers on the phone. The insurance company will be looking for any work you can reasonably perform. Paralysis symptoms may prevent you from:

  • Walking without assistance
  • Lifting heavy materials
  • Talking
  • Using your hands or arms
  • Driving or operating machinery

These are just a few of the limitations you may experience as a result of paralysis. Symptoms will depend on which part of the body is affected and the cause of your paralysis.

How an Ocala FL Long-Term Disability Attorney Can Help

Due to the type of information required for your claim, it may be wise to work with an experienced disability attorney. We can review your claim, provide recommendations about the information you provide and advise you about additional documentation that would be helpful. We can also represent you when dealing with the insurance company and help you with an appeal if your claim is denied.

Learn More About Paralysis Disability Benefits

To learn more about qualifying for paralysis disability benefits or for help filing an appeal, contact CJ Henry Law Firm PLLC.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746