CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Examples of Daily Activity Questions From Your Ocala Disability Lawyer

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

The judge at your disability hearing will want to learn from you the types of daily activities in which you engage. Below, your Ocala Florida disability lawyer has described what the questions will be like.

Your Ocala Disability Law Firm on Background Information

The judge will start by asking the type of residence in which you live and some basic questions about it, like the number of stories and rooms. You should be able to explain what you do on an average day from the time you wake to the time you go to sleep and how your days are different from the time prior to your impairment.

Your Ocala Disability Lawyer on Household Activities

The judge will also want to know about how the household activities have been dealt with since you have been impaired. These activities include things like chores, childcare and managing finances. If you are the one responsible, the judge will ask if you are able to complete these activities in a timely manner.

Your Ocala Disability Lawyer on Social Life and Alone Time

You will be asked to describe your social life, including visits with friends and family, since your impairment. The judge will want details as to who initiates contact and whether you have any compatibility issues with them or others with whom have contact. You should be prepared to explain the frequency with which you do things like attend church, go out to the movies or dinner, participate in hobbies and read the newspaper or watch television. Tell the judge if you have had to abstain from any hobbies because of your impairment. Another area of interest is your alone time. The judge may ask about the time spent at home doing things like sitting in your favorite chair reading or watching television, speaking on the telephone and lying down. You may need to explain how frequently you leave the house and what mode of transportation you use to do so.

Getting Help

Finding an Ocala Florida disability law firm that can help prepare you for your hearing is just a phone call away. Call CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC today at 352-304-5300.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746