Filing for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration is usually a lengthy and complicated process. An experienced lawyer at an Ocala Social Security disability law firm can help with the claims process and prepare you for what to expect at an administrative hearing.
If you have filed a claim for SSD benefits and been denied, you may face an administrative hearing to determine eligibility. A lawyer at an Ocala Social Security disability law office will want you to compile a list of witnesses that could testify on your behalf. Your witnesses ideally should be able to testify in detail about your disability and its impact on your ability to work. Two helpful categories for witness testimony are those that have insight into your pain level, such as a spouse, family member or a coworker. An Ocala Social Security disability law firm can offer more suggestions.
The lawyers in your Ocala Social Security disability law office will advise you to select witnesses capable of giving detailed testimony about your pain, disability and its affect on your daily life and ability to work. For example, if your husband merely testifies, “My wife is disabled by pain,” this may be unpersuasive. Rather, an Ocala Social Security disability law firm might counsel the need for details. Hopefully, your husband has knowledge of things like how much pain medication you need and how long you can sit in a car comfortably. Likewise, an Ocala Social Security disability law firm will interview coworkers, looking for concrete examples of how your disability impacts your ability to work, such as the need for frequent breaks, fainting spells, trips to the hospital and absences.
Put an experienced lawyer from an Ocala Social Security disability law firm to work on your case. Contact the CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC today at 352-304-5300.