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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

How Does Florida Short-Term Disability Insurance Work?

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.
How Does Florida Short-Term Disability Insurance Work?

Florida has no state-mandated short-term disability program. Those who require such a program must purchase a policy in advance of their disability that pays out if they become injured. Nonetheless, there are certain options available to you if you require a temporary financial reprieve. To learn more about how Florida short-term disability insurance works, talk to the disability attorneys at CJ Henry Law Firm.

Purchasing a Policy

If you suffer injury while on the job or you can prove that your injuries resulted from labor you performed for an employer, then you may be able to receive workers’ comp benefits. That is its own separate form of insurance. What happens, though, if you’re in a car accident? What happens if you’re diagnosed with a serious condition? Or what happens if some other accident leaves you unable to work for a period of time?

These are all situations under which folks find themselves woefully unprepared. It is also true that regardless of how badly you need the money, you cannot purchase a policy that will automatically begin paying out. So what can you do?

Here, we’ll discuss some alternatives.

How Did Your Injury Occur?

If your injury occurred due to a car accident, you may be able to collect lost wages up to a certain amount. In Florida, that number is 60%. In today’s economy, the majority of Americans need every penny to pay off their bills.

If your injury occurred due to illness or by some other means, you may not be entitled to anything. If you run a business or you’re not covered by your workers’ comp, then you’re in for a rough ride. What do you do then?

Requesting a Personal Loan

One option is to request a personal loan. While perhaps not ideal, it will allow you to stay current on rent, mortgage payments, and bills. If you’re sure that you can return to your job or have another job lined up after you’re well, then this option makes a lot of sense.

What Short-Term Disability Policies Cover and Don’t Cover

If you decide to purchase a policy or have purchased a policy prior to becoming sick, ensure that the policy covers all types of illness that other insurance policies do not cover. For instance, other policies cover car accidents and worker-related injuries. They may not cover acts of God or sudden illnesses. When you purchase the policy, any conditions that exist prior to the purchase of the policy will not be covered for the period of one year after purchase.

Applying for Short-Term Disability in Florida

Since these are privately purchased plans, they are purchased through private insurance companies. The insurance company will quote you a monthly payment that pays out in the event of any illness or required time off. This includes pregnancy in many situations. You will need to select coverage that covers pregnancy.

Short-Term Disability Insurance and Pregnancy

Short-term disability insurance is offered to pregnant women. This includes bed rest and a period of time for which you can bond with your baby. You will need to ensure that you purchase a policy that specifically covers pregnancy and not a policy that may only cover complications due to pregnancy. The wording of your insurance policy is important. Be sure to pay attention to it.

So long as you purchase coverage prior to conception, the policy will pay out for things like bed rest and time to bond. If you are expecting a child, but have not purchased a policy, there may be other options available to you. But pregnancy (if a pre-existing condition) will be excluded for the first year.

In terms of maternity leave, your policy will pay out for 6 weeks after giving birth. In the case that the baby was delivered by C-section, that period is extended by two weeks.

The Insurance Company Has Denied My Claim for Short-Term Disability. Now What?

This can happen for a number of reasons. If you are making a claim against your policy, then you will need to show that the insurance company led you to believe that the policy required illness when you purchased it. In addition, the insurance company may claim that your injuries aren’t severe enough to warrant paying out on the policy.

Contact a Florida Short-Term Disability Lawyer Today

If an insurance company has denied your claim, CJ Henry Law Firm PLLC can review both your policy and the denial letter and determine what evidence you will need to get to prove your case and collect on the policy. Give us a call or contact us online and let us help you get the financial relief you deserve.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746