CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

An Ocala Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney Explains How to Apply The Grids

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

In this article, an Ocala Social Security disability benefits attorney addresses how the Medical Vocational Guidelines, or Grids, and non-exertional limitations are applied by the Social Security Administration in disability cases.

Your Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyer Explains the Grids

The Medical Vocational Guidelines, also referred to as the Grids, are set up as the name implies. The three exertion levels, sedentary, light and medium, are represented on charts that are divided into columns under the headings education, age, prior employment experience and disabled or not, or decision. Your residual functional capacity along with how old you are, what level of school you completed and your prior employment experience are matched to the corresponding place on the appropriate chart in order to determine whether you are or are not disabled. The reasoning is that people less advanced in age, with more education and more comprehensive experience in the workplace should be readily able to turn their skills to a new position even if they have an impairment.

How It Works

Essentially, the older you are, the less is required of you. Thus, to fall under the disabled category if you have not yet reached 50 years of age, you cannot be able to meet the requirements of a seated, or sedentary, position. If you are over 55, you cannot be able to perform medium work, and if you are between those two ages you and your Ocala Social Security disability lawyer must show that you cannot perform light work.

To Illustrate

A person who is at least fifty who left school without completing twelfth grade and who has been doing heavy work all his life but now is limited to desk work due to a coronary ailment can be declared disabled under the grids. A person in the same condition but who is only 48 would not be considered disabled. There must be non-exertional limitations that apply to that worker if he is to be eligible for benefits.

Where Non-Exertional Limitations Fit in

These comprise the other factors that the SSA must look at if the grids show that you are not disabled. They are:

  • Limits to how effectively you can assume various positions such as climbing, kneeling, crouching, crawling, stooping or bending;
  • Limits to your manual dexterity that reflect how effectively you can work with your hands;
  • Your visual acuity and how well you perceive color, can see small objects, can see things at long and close range, your peripheral vision and your depth perception;
  • Clarity and intelligibility of your speech;
  • How well you are able to withstand environmental conditions such as heat or cold, vapors or odors, noise, etc; and
  • Your ability to function mentally including such aspects as memory, focus, interpersonal interactions and flexibility in changing situations.

For Additional Information

Your Ocala Social Security disability benefits attorney can assist you if you have questions, need representation or simply would like to learn more. Call the CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC at 352.304.5300 and inquire today.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746