A disability lawyer in Ocala will explain the reasons you are testifying in your hearing and what you’re hoping to accomplish.
As your attorney is preparing you for the hearing, you will learn that your goals are to prove the following:
1) You are unable to do any job you’ve done over the previous 15 years.
2) You can’t do any other job that is available in substantial numbers.
When it comes to the first goal, your disability lawyer in Ocala will ask you to provide a description of your easiest job over the previous 15 years. Then you will tell the judge why you are not able to do it anymore. Your attorney will streamline your testimony to retain only the most pertinent facts.
The second goal will require the attorney to explain that it is not necessary to be completely immobile to be unable to do certain jobs in the economy whether there are a large number of them available or not. An example would be a person who is 45-years-old and has only done manual labor for his whole life. He has no extensive education. He must show that he cannot do the job he once did. He must also show that he cannot do a lighter job such as working a machine that requires a significant time spent standing during a normal workday.
The judge who oversees the case is an administrative law judge (ALJ). The claimant should not present an argument to the ALJ. Simply giving an argument based on common sense will not be successful. The case is based on hypothetical evaluations. For example, if you are given a job, could you hypothetically perform it? If the answer is no, there is a good chance of receiving benefits.
If you have questions about the reasons for your testimony, call the CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC at 352.304.5300 today.