CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Questions to Ask a Vocational Expert about RFC for Alternate Sitting and Standing

  • Published: July 29, 2014

Florida disability attorneyOne of the challenges that a social security disability lawyer in Ocala has is coming up with questions to ask the vocational expert to narrow his or her testimony regarding potential employment opportunities. When you must alternate between sitting and standing, your social security disability lawyer in Ocala will probably ask a variety of questions to determine how this limitation may change your job performance.

Potential Questions

Here are several questions that your social security disability attorney in Ocala may ask the vocational expert?

  • Have the jobs that you stated as permitting alternate sitting and standing been classified as “light” or “sedentary” in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?
  • For the jobs that are considered “light,” do they require standing and walking for at least six hours of a standard work day?
  • How many of the jobs that you believe have been misclassified as light have you seen yourself?
  • Does the Dictionary of Occupational Titles address the possibility of alternately sitting or standing?
  • Does the ability to sit on a light or sedentary job depend on chairs or stools by employers being available for employee use? Can employees use their own chairs?
  • What percentage of the jobs listed as light that permit alternating between sitting and standing provide stools or chairs for employees? How can you make this estimate?
  • Do some of the relevant jobs have to be performed at a desk? What percentage of jobs at desks make up the overall percentage of these jobs and what is the basis for your estimate?
  • Will most employees find it uncomfortable to bend over a desk if their work station is at the height of a desk?
  • Is it accurate to say that an individual generally has more opportunity to stand when performing a sedentary job than an individual has to sit down when performing a light job?
  • Is a person who is performing a sedentary job more likely to be completing a job at a work station that is at desk height?

If you would like to learn about other potential questions to a vocation expert, a Social security disability lawyer in Ocala may be able to help. Contact a
Social security disability attorney in Ocala at CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC at 352.304.5300.

Claudeth Henry

Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
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