CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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(352) 577-7746

CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Questions at the Disability Hearing – Driving and Public Transportation

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

If you are seeking SSD benefits, then you must be ready to answer questions about your conditions from the ALJ or your lawyer at the disability hearing. A qualified Social Security disability attorney in Ocala will cover the important questions and find answers.

Driver’s License and Handicapped Parking Permit

  • Do you currently have a driver’s license?
  • If you do not, did you ever have one in the past?
  • Can you explain to your Social Security disability attorney in Ocala why you don’t have a license right now?
  • What are the specials restrictions on your driver’s license, if any? Some examples include:
    • Glasses.
    • Times of day.
    • Speed.
    • Distance.
    • Do you possess a handicapped parking permit?
    • If there is an automobile you have regular access to, does it have:
    • Power or regular brakes and steering?
    • Standard or automatic transmission?

    Your Ability to Drive

    • What adjustments did you have to make to driving after your health condition became worse?
    • How frequently do you drive?
    • What is the most amount of distance or time you can drive before you are forced to stop and rest?
    • How much resting period do you require?
    • What is the furthest distance or longest time you have driven in the past year?
    • If you had to stop during this trip, then how many times did you stop and for how long?
    • Describe to your Social Security disability lawyer in Ocala any difficulties with:
    • Getting inside or stepping out of a vehicle
    • Rotating your head from side to side
    • Looking behind you as you back out
    • Sitting down as you are driving
    • Functioning your arms, hands or legs to drive
    • Vision
    • What are the emotional problems you experience while driving, if any? Examples include:
      • Mental errors.
      • Anxiety or fright.
      • Fear of getting lost.
      • Struggling to maintain your concentration and attention.
      • Do you currently take any medications? If so:
      • What medication affects your driving?
      • What are the medications that you are prohibited from taking you while driving, if any?
      • Are you capable of driving without problems? If not, how do you travel?
      • Do you experience any physical problem (getting in and out, prolong sitting) or emotional stress (panic, nervousness) while riding as a passenger in a car?

      Public transportation

      • Do you ride public transportation such as buses?
      • If so, how many times do you use them?
      • Do you experience any difficulties in taking a bus, which includes:
      • Walking to the bus stop.
      • Standing while waiting at the bus stop
      • Going up the steps to enter the bus.
      • Sitting or standing up inside the bus.
      • Falling down inside the bus.
      • Do you feel any emotional stress riding buses, such as anxiety or paranoia when the bus is crowded?
      • Did you ever get lost or missed your stop while riding a bus? If so:
      • Explain what happened and how often this happened.

      If you are disabled, a Social Security disability attorney in Ocala can help you file for SSD benefits and prepare you for the disability hearing. To see what an experienced disability lawyer can do for you, please call the law offices of CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC at (352) 577-7746 today. The initial consultation is free.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746