CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Social Security Regulations on the Ability to Walk

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Clients often ask their Ocala Social Security disability lawyer how the Social Security Administration (SSA) assesses the ability to walk or ambulate. A reasonable measure of the ability to ambulate is whether someone can walk a block at a reasonable pace on an uneven surface. If that is doable, then the patient likely will not be viewed as disabled in their ambulation.

Social Security Regulations on the Ability to Walk

Assistive Devices

One of the regulations under the Social Security disability program mentions the use of a walker or two canes as indicative of the inability to walk independently. While that is true, note that some claimants are defined as disabled even if they do not use a cane or walker. Just because a person can manage to get around their home, does not mean that they are necessarily without disability. SSA acknowledges that someone who uses a cane may be disabled, but it also specifies that some individuals with extreme inability to walk do not use a cane or walker. And obviously someone who is unable to walk at all does not use assistive devices. Your Ocala Social Security disability lawyer will present the details of your ambulatory limitations with substantive evidence that does not rely solely on whether you use assistive devices.

In conclusion, a person may use just one cane or no assistive device and still be regarded as disabled from walking depending on their ability or inability to ambulate effectively.

To learn more about whether your specific impairments may qualify for Social Security disability benefits, call an experienced Ocala Social Security disability lawyer. The CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC can be reached at 352-304-5300.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746