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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Sun Life Long-Term Disability Denial

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.
Sun Life Long-Term Disability Denial

If you filed a legitimate disability claim with Sun Life Assurance Company and received a denial, you’re not alone. Sun Life has a well-known reputation for denying claims in addition to a long list of strategies to keep from paying you the benefits that are rightfully yours. Don’t be intimidated by a Sun Life long-term disability denial. An Ocala FL LTD lawyer at CJ Henry Law Firm PLLC can help you file an appeal.

Sun Life’s Denial Strategies

Deny, deny, deny. That’s Sun Life’s favorite response to long-term disability benefits claim and they have numerous reasons in their arsenal to delay or avoid paying your disability claim. Here are just a few.

Endless Paperwork

Sun Life may ask repeatedly for forms and reports you have already sent, say they never received your information, or they may claim they lost your information.

Insufficient Evidence

You may receive a letter saying you failed to provide sufficient objective evidence related to your claim, particularly related to your ability to perform work. Always indicate how your disability prevents you from performing your work.

Severity of Your Disability

Sun Life may decide your documentation does not provide sufficient evidence of the severity of your condition. They’re saying that despite your disability, they believe, or want to believe, you can still work.

Delaying Decisions

You may contact Sun Life over and over again about the status of your disability benefits claim and be told they’re still reviewing your information. They hope you’ll get tired and give up.

Discouraging the Use of Attorneys

You may be told that there’s no need for you to hire a disability ttorney or consult regarding your policy or denial.

Sun Life May Threaten Your Benefits

One of the tactics Sun Life uses to avoid paying your claim is to pressure you into taking a lump sum benefits settlement. This lump sum is substantially lower than you deserve and would be in lieu of any other payments. You would get the lump sum and no other payments.

Sometimes Sun Life takes this tactic even further than offering an undervalue lump sum. Policyholders have reported that if they refuse the lump sum settlement, Sun Life has terminated their benefits.

Aggressive Investigation Practices

If denying your claim on paper isn’t enough, Sun Life’s claim investigation process is known to be aggressive. Instead of being interviewed by a company claims examiner, Sun Life has hired private investigators to look into the background of the policyholder and his or her family. They look for ways to either discredit or damage the claimant’s reputation. The supposedly damaging information is then used as a reason to deny a legitimate claim.

Sun Life seems to begin its claim review process by looking for ways to deny the claim rather than to evaluate the facts.

Questionable Independent Medical Experts

Insurance companies have the right and sometimes do ask you to see a third-party medical professional to confirm your diagnosis. However, when Sun Life asks for a “peer review” or examination by an “independent physician,” look out.

In the past, the reports from Sun Life’s supposedly objective medical experts are biased beyond the point of believability. These biased claims are used by Sun Life to deny disability applications even if they are based on false evidence.

Discouraging Denial Letters

Sun Life has been known to send denial letters up to 20 pages long to intimidate and discourage policyholders from appealing the denial. Don’t be fooled by this attempt to keep you from appealing your claim with the help of a disability or ERISA attorney.

Prepare Your Claim Carefully

If your disability insurance provider is Sun Life, pay extra attention to every detail and deadline for your claim. Follow these tips so your claim is complete and accurate.

  1. Read through the claim paperwork before you begin to fill it out
  2. Note all deadlines for filing your claim. Missed deadlines are one of the most common reasons insurance companies use to deny disability claims.
  3. As a precaution, you may want to read any appeals information in case you receive a Sun Life long-term disability denial. The deadlines are particularly important.
  4. Review all the information you receive from your physician(s) to make sure the information is current and accurate.
  5. Make copies of the claim before you submit it.
  6. Consult a qualified disability attorney to review your claim and make recommendations to improve your chance of success.

We Can Help You Appeal a Sun Life Long-Term Disability Denial

We are well aware of the strategies insurance companies use to avoid paying legitimate claims. To learn more about how we can help with a Sun Life long-term disability denial, contact CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC today.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746