CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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(352) 577-7746

CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

What Your Ocala Disability Lawyer Cannot Do at Your Hearing

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

An experienced Ocala disability lawyer will prepare your case well and ensure that you and your witnesses testify in a way that helps your case. There is one thing over which your lawyer has no control, however, and that is the time that it takes to conduct a hearing and as how long it takes to receive a decision.

Hearings are, as a rule, quite short, generally clocking in at about 60 minutes or less. Even on the longer side, they almost never exceed an hour and a half.

The shortness of the hearing is starkly contrasted by how long it can and does take for a claimant to receive the written decision. Both you and Ocala disability attorney will be mailed the notice at the same time, so between the hearing and the decision, he or she cannot do anything to expedite the process. If you are lucky, the judge will issue a ruling at the hearing; the written summary of this bench decision will be mailed within a week. Otherwise, you will be waiting for at least a month, and, more commonly, you will not receive a decision until two months after the hearing. In some cases, it takes even longer due to delays on the part of the judge. If more than three months go by without any notice from the SSA, your Ocala disability attorney can get in touch with the office to ensure that your file has not been lost or otherwise neglected.

Though an Ocala disability attorney cannot control how long it takes to get a decision, legal help can make it far more likely that you will receive a favorable decision. Contact experienced Ocala disability attorney CJ Henry to learn more.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746