CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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(352) 577-7746

CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Your Medical History

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

Medical records are used to establish your medical history. Usually the ALJs have reviewed the medical records and noted the relevant facts for use at the hearing, rendering detailed testimony about your medical history unnecessary.

Due to the 12-month disability requirement, the most important aspects of your disability case history are the plateaus, not the valleys or peaks. A time frame for the testimony regarding the plateaus can be established by your medical history.

The nature of your case will affect the degree to which the judge or your Ocala Social Security disability attorney will question you regarding your medical history. Some cases require more development of medical history. These types of cases typically include unusual impairments, the employment of virtually every known pain treatment, unusual treatment or particularly cryptic medical records where the claimant’s testimony will educate the ALJ.

Your Ocala Social Security disability attorney may ask the following types of questions if medical history is required:

  • Your back was injured at work on February 9, 20__, wasn’t it?
  • And you weren’t able to go back to work after that, were you?
  • Your condition worsened, tests were performed which revealed a ruptured disc, and surgery was performed on you June 24, 20__, wasn’t it?
  • You recovered from the immediate effects of surgery during the summer of 20__, didn’t you?
  • Wouldn’t you say that as of October 12, 20__, the day the worker’s compensation insurance carrier was told by your doctor that your condition had plateaued, your symptoms remain the same now as they were then?

 Treatment Currently Ongoing

Typically, testimony will be kept to a minimum concerning past medical treatment. However, your Ocala Social Security disability attorney may ask you numerous questions about current, on-going treatment and the absence of ongoing treatment should be explained. Typical questions may include:

  • Who is currently treating you?
  • What is their specialty?
  • How long have you seen this provider?
  • How frequent are your treatments?
  • What specific condition does this physician, therapist, etc. treat?
  • What treatment does he or she perform?
  • How much would you say this treatment has helped?
  • What medication are you now taking?How much and how often do you take it?What side effects does it have?How much and for how long does it help?
  • If you are not receiving any regular treatment or medication, why not?

If you would like to visit with an experienced Ocala Social Security disability attorney regarding your Social Security disability claim, please contact CJ Henry Law Firm at 352-304-5300.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746