CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

2303 East Fort King Street
Ocala, FL 34471

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(352) 577-7746

CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Your Ocala Florida Disability Lawyer on Joint Issues

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

In order to be found disabled as a result of joint dysfunction or arthritis, SSA must determine that you are unable to “ambulate effectively.” Below, your Ocala Florida disability lawyer will give you some information about what this means and how to prove it.

Your Ocala Florida Disability Lawyer Defines Inability to Ambulate Effectively

If your ability to walk or engage in normal activities is severely limited by your impairment, SSA considers this an inability to ambulate effectively. Typically, this means that in order to do these types of things, you rely on walking assistance devices, such as canes or a walker. Additional limitations, like an inability to stand for long periods, complete everyday activities or go up steps without the hand-rail, may also qualify.

Your Ocala Florida Disability Attorney on Effectively Ambulating

In contrast, SSA considers one able to ambulate effectively if you are able to keep up a normal walking momentum over a moderate distance. Additionally, you must be able to get to and from work or school without the assistance of another person.

Speak to Your Ocala Florida Disability Attorney

If you suffer from a joint-related impairment that has caused you to be unable to work, you may qualify for disability benefits. For more information about the requirements of obtaining these benefits, contact CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC to speak with a knowledgeable Ocala Florida disability lawyer. Call 352-304-5300 today to get started.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
with your disability-related legal needs...Protect Your Benefits Today (352) 577-7746