CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

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Ocala, FL 34471

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CJ Henry Law Firm, PLLC

Your Social Security Hearing: Estimating Your Limitations

  • By: Claudeth Henry, Esq.

At your Social Security hearing, the administrative law judge will ask you many questions. As you are your own best witness as to your impairment, you need to make sure that you testify well and in detail about your condition. Your Ocala disability attorney will prepare you for testifying at your hearing.

One of the things that the administrative law judge will ask you concerns estimating your specific limitations. That is, the judge will want to know how long you are able to sit, how many pounds you are able to lift, how far you are able to walk, and so on. The judge will expect you to offer a genuine estimate of those amounts, so you must think about them well before your hearing.

The way to approach questions about your limitations is to think and speak in detail and use an example. For example, if you are asked about how far you are able to walk, you can give an account of places to which you recently walked in which you describe the distance, whether you had to stop and rest on the way there, how you felt when you arrived there, and other such details. Giving a specific example will help the judge to be able to understand what your limitations are.

You should not make the mistake of treating your Social Security hearing like a court hearing. Many people watch court hearings or lawyer shows on television and expect for the Social Security hearing to resemble them; this is an inaccurate judgment. In court, the hearing is adversarial and so witnesses are advised to not volunteer information and to only answer questions that are asked. In contrast, a hearing before an administrative law judge is not adversarial, and you should definitely give the judge as much relevant information as possible. To learn what facts would most help your case, contact Ocala disability lawyer CJ Henry.

Claudeth Henry
Attorney Henry is a Florida disability lawyer Florida disability lawyer uniquely suited to help you
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